The JASMINE model is designed with regards to displaying of products like, cakes, cookies, baklava, pies, bread and bagels, hot and cold meals, side dishes, and cold drinks. On the one hand this chic case’s wood and natural stone coverings adds great stylishness for your store, on the other hand you could also benefit from advanced ergonomics of shelves that are cooled, heated ..
The MIMOSA model is designed with regards to displaying of products like, cakes, cookies, baklava, pies, chocolates, bread and bagels. On the one hand this chic case’s wood and natural stone coverings and external curved glasses adds great stylishness for your store, on the other hand you could also benefit from advanced ergonomics of shelves that are cooled, heated or neutral ..
Stands and displays have what it takes to be a highly effective way of selling products.They are made from wood panel with order in a specific color and sizes...