DimensionsP: 520 mmL: 870 mmH: 1020 mmWeight: 16 kgCapacity: 120 LtStandard shopping trolley with baby seat conpatible with Euro standards commonly used around the worldVarious volumesHandle with special advertisement areaElectro galvanized zink coating with furnishing lack.Diagonal lateral plastic connections that prevent the handle from rotatingPlastic bag hook.Deposit lock s..
DimensionsP: 550 mmL: 830 mmH: 1090 mmWeight: 19,4 kgCapacity: 120 LtStandard shopping trolley with baby seat conpatible with Euro standards commonly used around the worldVarious volumesHandle with special advertisement areaElectro galvanized zink coating with furnishing lack.Diagonal lateral plastic connections that prevent the handle from rotatingPlastic bag hook.Deposit lock..